Explore Alexandria from Cairo

If you are thinking of Alexandria Egypt tours, you will do a big mistake if you are not with Amozon Tour Egypt. The main reason is that they will have a local guide to explain to you about the museums to historical sites to seafood that Alexandria has in offering. Let us have a look at what is possible to do in Alexandria when you are with them.

One of the spokespersons of Amozon Tour Egypt said, “You can take an Alexandria day tour from Cairo by bus when you are with us. The buses that we arrange are fast and make it possible to have a comfortable journey from Cairo to Alexandria. Our guide will be with you and explain about the places that you will visit during the tour. After you reach Alexandria, the local guide will explain to you in-depth about the places.”

You can be at the Royal Jewelry Museum at the beginning. From the beginning, the Royal Jewelry Museum could sound very exhausting. Be that as it may, it is worth a visit if you can helpfully visit the region. It’s brimming with totally mind-blowing gems and pearls that the Pasha family had – from diamond adornments to valuable gem-encrusted things from chess sets to toiletry boxes.

The ‘corniche’ anyplace in Egypt is the promenade along the water, and Alexandria has one of the longest corniches in the country. This walkable beachside way extends from the Citadel all the way along Alexandria’s waterfront.

Walking around the Alexandria Corniche whenever the day is beautiful. However, if you are just there for a day trip, have a go at having a grand stroll along the corniche while in the middle between Alexandria attractions.

The Citadel of Qaitbay is one the main military fortresses of the Mediterranean ocean, worked in the last part of the 1400s and was revamped during the 1800s. You can enter the stronghold and move up to see a ton of vantage focuses and cannons.

In any case, the coolest part about the Citadel of Qaitbay is that it was based on the site of the antiquated Alexandria Lighthouse – which is one of the seven miracles of the old world. They say that hints of the beacon are as yet ready to be seen deep underwater by scuba divers.

Found somewhat more inland from the coast, the Serapeum and Pompey’s Pillar are stays of an Old Greek acropolis and catacombs that used to involve the region. The Pillar is said to have upheld a sculpture of the Roman Emperor Diocletian; however, the first construction and catacombs are from two or three hundred years earlier during the rule of the Greeks.

You can additionally be at The catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa, The New ‘Bibliotheca Alexandrina’, the Ancient Roman theatre, and the Cathedral of St Mark.

About Amozon Tour Egypt

Amozon Tour Egypt is a reputed local tour operator making it possible to enjoy the best of Alexandria Egypt tours. You can depend on them to organize the best tours within your budget. Call them at 00201090705402 to know more about the tours. 

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